Rankings Discovery & Keyword Suggestions
How can I view Rankings Discovery?
Enter from the left menu: Tools > Rankings Discovery.
You'll get to the Rankings Discovery...
What is Rankings Discovery?
With Rankings Discovery, you can find and add term combinations your websites are ranked for, but...
What are the Top10, Top20 ... Top100 in Rankings Discovery?
For each term combination found, we'll tell you its position range.
On paid accounts, you'll see...
What is the date under "Last Update" column in Rankings Discovery?
It states when the term combination position on this row (Rank column) was last updated (recorded...
What’s the tag added when adding terms from Rankings Discovery?
To help you easily identify the terms added to each URL from Rankings Discovery, once added, they...
Do you discover all of the terms I'm ranked for?
No, we may discover terms you are ranked for and display it on Rankings Discovery, but it's not...
How can I view Keyword Suggestions?
Enter from the left menu: Tools > Keyword Suggestions.
You'll get to the suggestions section,...
What are Keyword Suggestions?
Using Keyword Suggestions, you can find and add additional keyword ideas for each of your URLs...
Why do I see keywords that I already track on Keyword Suggestions?
We don't know for which combination you track it.
From keyword suggestions, you can add the...